About Us

Dr Parry Memorial Homes Inc was founded in 1967 as a partnership between the RSL and Temora APEX Club, with the goal of providing low-cost accommodation to retired ex-service men and women. We have been providing low-cost accommodation to vulnerable seniors in Temora and district for over 5o years.

Dr Parry Memorial Homes Inc.

  • Dr Parry Memorial Homes Inc has grown over the last 56 years since its beginnings as a partnership between the RSL and APEX Club of Temora. It began with the objective to provide low cost accommodation for returned Serviceman, and has evolved to provide accommodation to pensioners. Today it is a significant charitable organisation registered as a Benevolent Organisation with the ACNC and with Deductible Gift Recipient status.
  • It retains its links to the community with all Board members selected from within the Temora community.
  • The charitable purpose of Dr Parry Homes Inc is to provide affordable accommodation to aged people within Temora and district. This charitable purpose ensures that the charity will always be for the long term benefit of the residents of Temora and district.
  • Dr Parry continues to deliver affordable housing options for the most vulnerable members of our community. It rents the original 24 x 1 bedroom units in Haig Street for well below the 30% threshold for the definition of “affordable housing rent”. Dr Parry sets the rent at less than 75% of the market rent.
  • Over the last 5 years Dr Parry has built the Shipton Villas retirement village in Grey Street, Temora, comprising of 15 x 2 bedroom villas. All villas are occupied under a ‘licence to occupy’ and are for over 55s.
  • Dr Parry Memorial Homes Inc has always used local tradespeople and is committed to the Temora community.
  • Dr Parry Memorial Homes has a proven track record of delivering and managing low cost housing for our community. It is in a strong financial position to build more affordable rental accommodation to meet the forecast increase in demand for the ageing population of the Temora community.